Announcing the Workplace in Film & TV Blogathon!

Time for a new blogathon! I am inviting you to write about the workplace in film and television.

Films and TV shows featuring workers in offices, factories, restaurants, institutions, you name it, I will accept it!

You can be creative about the meaning of “workplace.” For instance, if you want to write about Star Trek or Galaxy Quest as a workplace, have at it.

Any film or TV show, from any area of the world, any era is eligible.

My only rule is no duplicates. As usual, if two people want to write about two different versions of the same story (i.e. The Front Page/His Girl Friday or British version of The Office/American version of The Office) that is fine.

The blogathon will run Friday, August 18 – Sunday, August 20. You may post any day (or earlier, if you wish).

To claim your topic, please request your choice in the comments section below, or contact me on Twitter (@DebbieVee). Include the name and URL of your blog. Then grab one of the banners below, display it on your blog and link it back to this post.

Thanks so much for joining in!


Moon in Gemini: Call the Midwife (2012-)

The Stop Button: FM (1978)

MovieMovieBlogBlog: Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Cinematic Scribblings: The Organizer (1963)

Once Upon a Screen: The Apartment (1960)/Meryl Streep workplace triple feature

Silver Screenings: My Dear Secretary (1948)

CineMaven’s Essays from the Couch: The Best of Everything (1959)

Wolffian Classic Movies Digest: Modern Times (1936)

Movies Silently: A Girl’s Folly (1917)

Caftan Woman: Car 54, Where Are You? (1961 – 1963)

A Shroud of Thoughts: WKRP in Cincinnati (1978 – 1982)

Realweegiemidget: Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Serendipitous Anachronisms: Working Girl (1988)

The Midnite Drive-In: Teachers (1984)

Anybody Got a Match?: Libeled Lady (1936)

Critica Retro: The Power and the Glory (1933)

Cinematic Catharsis: Arachnophobia (1990)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society: The Impatient Maiden (1932)

The Blonde Screwball: Hands Across the Table (1935)

Outspoken and Freckled: 9 to 5 (1980)

dbmoviesblog: Fawlty Towers (1975 & 1979)

Movierob: Compliance (2012) & Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

Sat in Your Lap: Alias the Doctor (1932)

Thoughts All Sorts: Secretary (2002)

72 thoughts on “Announcing the Workplace in Film & TV Blogathon!

      1. I wanted to do this in honor of Labor day, but the end of August was crowded, blogathon-wise. Then I thought, what the heck, still a great topic. 😊

      1. Hi Debbie! I apologize for missing your blogathon, time escaped me! But I’m glad it was a success, will be checking out the posts. 🙂

  1. Ooh i am in! Please put me down for “Working Girl,” to paraphrase the film, “after all I have cleared the month of August and I am me.”

    Sounds like fun, I sure hope someone picks 9 to 5!


  2. This blogathon sounds very entertaining! Is it okay if I write about Libeled Lady? It’s all about the newspaper business, sprinkled with a bit of some good ole’ slapstick of course! If not, I’ll choose something else.

    you can find my musings at Anbody Got a Match? (


  3. Hi, Debbie! I finally made up my mind: I want to write abou The Power and the Glory (1933).
    Le from Critica Retro

  4. Hi, can I be a pain and change my post to Adventures in Babysitting (1987)?Think it was called a Night on the Town in the US and starred Elisabeth Shue and George Newbern. Sorry to be a pain, but its a great movie!

  5. So…because I just can’t resist and because I’m settling in my new home…would it be too late to add to the workplace if I have time from today to tomorrow? But only if it isn’t going to mess up your schedule.

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