The Outer Space on Film Blogathon – Day 3 Recap

We’re getting closer and closer to reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere on Day 3 of the Outer Space on Film Blogathon:

MovieRob loves The Martian, a modern-day interpretation of Robinson Crusoe.

The Midnite Drive-In takes us on the final leg of our solar system tour with Journey to the Seventh Planet and Planet Outlaws.

Moon In Gemini lands on Moon, a twisty story about the human cost of technology and space exploration.

Cinematic Scribblings reviews Alphaville, Jean-Luc Godard’s noirish dystopian that takes place on a planet oddly similar to ours.

Prowler Needs a Jump discusses Outland, a futuristic retelling of the Western classic film High Noon.

It Came From the Man Cave! recalls Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, a beloved film from his childhood that mashes up elements of Star Wars, Mad Max and Tron. As a bonus, he also reviews a weird, super low-budget flick, Galaxy of the Dinosaurs.

Retro Movie Buff recounts everything that makes Galaxy Quest such a beloved parody of the Star Trek franchise and its fans.


Critica Retro contemplates why filmmakers have had an obsession with the planet Mars from the early days of cinema, including an overview of one of the worst genre mash-ups of all time, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

A heart-felt thanks to all the bloggers who helped make this blogathon a rousing success!

To anyone whose post is late: no worries! I will do a final wrap-up post in a day or two.


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