Announcing the Outer Space on Film Blogathon!

Time for a new blogathon! This time, I am inviting you to write about films that take place in outer space.

Space operas, space fantasies, space parodies, space horror stories, animated films set in space–any and all of these are welcome!

Only two rules:

No duplicates.

At least one character in the film MUST leave Earth’s gravitational pull at some point.

So it’s O.K. if much of the film is earth bound, as long as at least one character is not during the film.

Of course, it’s also O.K. if the character(s) were never on Earth in the first place, i.e. in a galaxy far, far away.

Any film from any era, any country is eligible. Shorts (including animated shorts) are welcome, too!

The blogathon will run Friday, April 13 – Sunday, April 15. You may post any day (or earlier, if you wish).

To claim your topic, please request your choice in the comments section below, or contact me on Twitter (@DebbieVee). Include the name and URL of your blog. Then grab one of the banners below, display it on your blog and link it back to this post.

Thanks for joining in!


Moon In Gemini: Moon (2009)

MovieMovieBlogBlog: The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

It’s a Beautiful Day: IT! The Terror From Beyond Space (1958)

Liz Durano: Alien (1979)

The Stop Button: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

A Shroud of Thoughts: Flash Gordon (1980)

Caftan Woman: Abbott & Costello Go to Mars (1953)

Silver Screenings: Haredevil Hare (1948)

Realweegiemidget Reviews: Passengers (2016)

Outspoken and Freckled: Forbidden Planet (1956)

Critica Retro: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) and other Mars-related movies

Wolffian Classic Movies Digest: Flash Gordon serials

Life’s Daily Lessons: Barbarella (1968)

Cinematic Scribblings: Alphaville (1965)

Movies Silently: The ‘?’ Motorist (1906)

Midnite Drive-In: The Angry Red Planet (1959), Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962), Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1968), 12 to the Moon (1960), Fire Maidens from Outer Space (1956), Planet Outlaws (1953)

Cinematic Catharsis: First Men in the Moon (1964)

Taking Up Room: Apollo 13 (1995)

Voyages Extraordinaires: A Trip To Mars (1910)

Destroy All Fanboys!: Alien 3 (1992), possibly also Alien Resurrection (1997) and Hard to be a God (2013)

Silent-ology: Aelita: Queen of Mars (1924)

Thoughts All Sorts: The Fifth Element (1997)

Wide Screen World: A Trip to the Moon (1902)

Speakeasy: Riders to the Stars (1954)

Prowler Needs a Jump: Outland (1981)

It Came From the Man Cave!: Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (1983)

Retro Movie Buff: Galaxy Quest (1999)

MovieRob: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Planet of the Apes (2001), The Martian (2015)







86 thoughts on “Announcing the Outer Space on Film Blogathon!

  1. I am SO on board with this one. I even have a title ” The Solar System on $5 a Day”. I will take some of the cheapest drive-in fare I can find. Two to start out, but I may add more: “The Angry Red Planet” (Mars) from 1959 and “Journey to the Seventh Planet” (Uranus) from 1962. I may add another one or two, if after searching my collection I find more that fit.

      1. Looks like I’m going to turn this into a three-day event. I’m adding “Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet” (Venus) from 1968, “12 to the Moon” (the moon…duh) from 1960, “Fire Maidens from Outer Space” (Jupiter) from 1956, and “Planet Outlaws” (Saturn) from 1953. (“Planet Outlaws” is an edited version of a Buck Rogers serial, made into a feature length film) Couldn’t find any movies featuring Mercury, Neptune or Pluto… But boy, do I need to get started! 😀

  2. Oh, I can’t decide between Hard to Be A God and Alien 3, grrr. Sooo… let’s go with the latter first (because it’s quite under-appreciated, especially the Assembly Cut) and if I have more time the former will get the treatment (it’s quite the viewing experience). Or I *may* do Alien Resurrection because it’s disliked by some who didn’t quite grasp the good points. Then again, when your main alien looks like a cross between a melted candle and a slug with arms, I can see where some of that dislike lies, lol… 😀

      1. Was a tough decision…so many movies still left unclaimed…oh well…will keep those for your “2nd annual….” blogathon 😉
        Have an awesome weekend.

    1. Hi, I’m so sorry, someone has already claimed that film. If you have another post about a space-themed film that hasn’t already been chosen, I would be happy to link to it for the blogathon.

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