The Outer Space on Film Blogathon – Day 2 Recap

We’re continuing our cinematic tour of the universe with lots of great posts for Day 2 of the Outer Space in Film Blogathon:

It’s a Beautiful Day gives us the lowdown on IT! The Terror From Beyond Space, a low-budget gem that is often cited as a forerunner to the Alien franchise.

Movies Silently is charmed by The ‘?’ Motorist, an early British trick film.

Speakeasy admires the documentary style of the hard science fiction film Riders to the Stars.

MovieRob finds Close Encounters of the Third Kind highly entertaining yet slightly lacking.

The Midnite Drive-In continues touring our solar system with two obscure films, The Angry Red Planet and Fire Maidens from Outer Space.

Liz Durano reviews the original film in the seminal Alien sci-fi horror franchise.

A Shroud of Thoughts recounts how the success of Star Wars lead to the campy but fun Flash Gordon reboot in 1980.

Life’s Daily Lessons enjoys the cult sci-fi fantasy Barbarella in spite of its lack of sophistication.

Wolffian Classics Movies Digest believes there’s a great deal more going on in the classic Flash Gordon serials than its cheesy exterior would indicate.

Voyages Extraordinaires tells us about the film generally considered the first American science fiction film, Edison’s A Trip To Mars.

More celestial posts on the way tomorrow!


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